Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004

Need to wear this baseball uniform more often, posted at 1:58 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I really should wear my baseball uniform out to bars more often.

Tonight, when my Charlie Brown costume failed to come in even though it was shipped on teh 22nd, I went as a baseball player. Complete with a full uniform, glove, and eye gunk. At Club Charles, I talked with a girl for over an hour. She was a nice girl and I'm pretty sure I could have done much more with her, but she lived in California and was a good friend of the bride at the wedding I attended today.

After Club Charles, I headed over to a friend's party. Almost immediately after entering, I hear someone say "Baseball players are hot" from behind me, and end up talking for an hour and a half with a girl dressed up like Brittney Spears from the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" video. She's a high school art teacher and teaches in Frederick. I got her number. I will call her Monday night.

All in all, a great day, even after some unneccessary drama on the homefront with the new roommate situation. She's moving in, but the old guy apparently didn't think to move out yet. I hope catastrophe has been averted. Then, I headed to this wedding which was quite possibly the best wedding I've ever been to - very informal (the bride didn't have a gown, just a understated white dress) and in a wine cellar/unheated bar. I can't imagine a better place to have a wedding. The reception was at Club Charles, and it's now 2:05 am new time and can't quite believe I'm still conscious.