Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004

Bein' with you, girl, is like being low, hey, hey, hey, it's like being stoned, posted at 11:07 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

It was a night in Federal Hill for my comprades and I last night. We started off at MaGirk's, which is a cool place during the day because it's spacious and there are huge windows, and $1.50 Miller Lights and Yuenglings. Afterwards, we went to Thirsty Dog, which finally opened at 5pm, for dinner and some of their great brewed beers, which are all 2 for $3. I had a Hearts of Palm salad, called Hearts Afire. When I ordered, a colleague said, "Just like the Bob Dylan movie," to which I answered, "And the Markie Post sitcom." It was at this moment that we realized that we would kick ass at Trivial Pursuit.

At school, there is currently a big to-do because the city schools have eliminated department head positions, and now English and Social Studies will exist under one big "Humanities" chair. This will put one person as supervisor of 25 or so teachers. Let me just say, my current supervisor, supervising 13, is overworked. Anyhow, on Monday there will be a big meeting, and there will be lots of arguing, and the Social Studies people presumably want "their" person in the job, and we want our person. We got the idea at the bar that we should just make it a big Trivial Pursuit match because we would clean up, at least in the Arts & Entertainment section.

After Thirsty Dog, we headed outside to watch Cracker in the rain. I recognized two of their songs, but it wasn't that energetic of a show and the rain was a bummer. We headed in a place called Nevin's that was right there, but unfortunately they were pumping loud dance music - even though no one was dancing and it was a small place - so we couldn't talk. I felt like an old man complaining about the music, but I was. We walked down to Mother's, which was much worse - crowded and loud - and I did something I've never done before:

I walked out on my friends without telling them. Another had done it previously in the night, and it just sort of hit me as I was heading to the bathroom and not feeling that well, when I saw an open door. I realized that the effort of going back and telling them I was leaving, fighting the teeming crowds of people and then their insistence that I stay, was way more than just absconding into the cool night air. It'll be interesting to hear any messages I have on my voicemail when I get back to my phone, which is in the car still.

I have to be in a certain mood to be in crowds at a bar. I just wasn't in that mood last night. Federal Hill = at least the Cross Street area - becomes crazy and crowded way too soon, and I'd rather go elsewhere. I guess I'm just getting old. I like to sit down.

I'm 0-for-4 in the asking girls to the wedding thing on June 26.