Thursday, May. 27, 2004

Wednesday, May 27, 2004, posted at 7:10 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I worked at the restaurant last night, the first weeknight shift since baseball season began on March 1. I came home with that totally exhausted feeling that I remember well, a feeling that comes when you leave the house at 5:15am after waking up at 4:30am, and don't return until 11:45pm and don't get to bed until 12:15am. Needless to say, the morning gym trip did not occur this morning, and just keeping my eyelids open is my version of heavy lifting today.

I hate that feeling.

School is going fine, though. HSA Testing week is actually pretty relaxing. I had to proctor the English test, but the Algebra and Biology tests affect me only insomuch as half of my students have to take them, so my classes are filled with around 10 kids each period. We have writing conferences, something I don't get a chance to do often enough. I'm planned out now through the end of the year, so as soon as this testing is over, I can begin getting into Fences and then the Odyssey. I'm only going to do a few stories from the Odyssey because of time constraints, but in planning those lessons I've become excited about teaching it more thoroughly next year.

Tonight, it's off to an Orioles game with friends.