Tuesday, May. 04, 2004

Parent/Teacher night, posted at 7:23 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Frustrations in my life right now:

1. My trial on Thursday.

2. My weight gain and plummeting level of fitness.

3. Constantly behind in grading.

4. Dad's coming up tonight and house isn't clean.

All levelled off by a comment from a parent tonight at Parent/Teacher night:

"Well, you must be really inspiring, because my son doesn't do well in his other classes, and this grade in English is by far his highest grade. He kept coming home last semester talking about things that you all had done in class, and I'm like, 'what?! he's talking about school and I didn't even ask him about it?' Thank you so much for what you do."

Yup, it was an alright day.