Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004

It feels like spring break finally, posted at 4:24 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Have had an excellent 36 hours. Rob called up at 2:20 yesterday inviting me to the Orioles' 3:00 game, and i hesitated only briefly before going. We sat in our $8 seats and enjoyed the game, then left in the 8th inning to grab a seat at the Thirsty Dog - my first trip back there since my birthday. That place has the best little pizzas and brews its own beer. I always go for the blueberry beer, which surprisingly isn't sweet but has a light crisp feel to it with a nice aftertaste of, yup, blueberries. They're also 2 for $3, which makes it even better.

I went home early, catching the Tigers game online. After going 43-119 last year, they're started off 2-0 this season. It feels epic. It's their best start since 1986, and I started becoming a die-hard fan in 1987, so it feels really cool. They're playing with an energy that I've rarely seen in my years of Tiger fandom. Could the roar have been restored? Let's hope so.

Sadly, their DH, Dmitri Young, a lumbering tree of a man with a huge grin and a very solid bat, broke his leg sliding into second yesterday. It was scary to watch, and he's out 6-8 weeks. I hope this doesn't dim the team's spirits. I still say we've got to go and sign Fred McGriff to replace him.

Today, speaking of epic, I took a trip to the laundromat. I had 200 lbs of laundry to wash and it took at least a couple of hours. It was fine, though. Having so much laundry means you're always busy, rarely waiting, and that's good. Plus, the people there are so nice. The woman who was the attendant helped me out, because I had added the detergent before I had added the money, and it just filtered on through into the drain. She gave me some of her personal stash of detergent, since it was the last I had brought, and then made a bit of a spectacle in telling everyone about what I had done and make sure they don't do it. I really was feeling both my gender (only male in the place at the time) and my race (only white person in the place at the time) at that moment, but that's okay.

Since leaving home in 1995 to go to college, I have never had the luxury of a washer and drier in my home/apartment/wherever I was living at the time. I will never take it for granted once the words "financial security" ring in the air and I can afford them.

This afternoon, it's off to celebrate the weather somewhere, probably with Rob and Renee, hopefully at some outdoors bar place. I can't think of anywhere besides Little Havana, so it might just be there.