Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

Do Not Bend! Presidential Photo Enclosed!, posted at 11:57 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I have no idea how this happened, but I received mail today from the Bush/Cheney Maryland campaign. Not just mail, but an 8X10 photograph of the President and his smirk hugging Laura Bush. Then, there's a whole letter proclaiming his compassionate conservative agenda.

I can't believe he's still using that as a slogan. I guess it's compassionately conservative to put anti-gay amendments into the Constitution.

You know what, George? Tomorrow's children will study the arguments about this issue today and see it as elementary examples of how terrified people can be about the smallest and most harmless personal differences. Your civil rights are not determined by your gender, your ethnicity, your anatomy, nor your beliefs. You are not special. You may not arbitrarily impose your limited conception of marriage on others, because it violates a basic tenant of America: that all people are equal. If you fight this, the history books of the future will label you amongst the oppressors and fools. You will have to answer to your children and grandchildren, and, no matter how hard you fight, you will eventually still lose. Because it's just not right.

So, anyone have any ideas about what I can do with an 8X10 photo of George and Laura?


I would really like to redesign this page. I wish I had Dreamweaver.


Despite the layoff scare and the stress of making baseball team cuts, this has been my best week in ages. It's so great to get outside in the nice weather and play ball.


This cartoon goes with my opening remarks: