Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004

Cuts and Great student, posted at 8:32 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

After getting my friends and colleagues in a big tizzy about my possible layoff, it turned out to be a fairly normal day. Had a great baseball practice, although I'm heartbroken about making cuts on Friday. I was cut in the 9th grade from my baseball team. It hurt for a long time. Right now, I've got 21 kids on the team, and another 15 I've got to sift through. We've kept 20 kids in previous years, and my Athletic Director recommends 18. I'm thinking 24 or 25, though. I can't see any other way, right now. With no JV team, I just can't cut loose all these kids.

One of the students I had last year had a huge feature about her published in today's Sun. Then, I just saw her on the special on TV 11 about the school budget crisis - she said her piece and O'Malley called her a future Supreme Court Justice. I'm so freaking proud.