Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004

Super Tuesday, posted at 9:24 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Today is Super Tuesday, and schools are closed because some of them house election booths. I'm finding it hard to motivate myself over to the fire station to cast my vote for what seems to be a foregone conclusion - that John Kerry will be the nominee. I might head over there this evening, after baseball practice, but we'll see. I've actually never missed an election since I was 18, so I probably shouldn't break my streak now.

I'm fine with John Kerry's nomination, although I would be more motivated and excited if Wesley Clark - who I consider a good man and the one with the best chance of beating Bush - was still in the race. Kerry has been my second choice all along, though, and I'd never consider voting for the lightweight Edwards.

I like that Kerry is a very smart man. I like that his sister is a teacher. I like that he's pro-choice, anti-death penalty, and anti-unfunded No Child Left Behind. I think that since he was in Viet Nam, there is less chance of him letting Iraq become another long, drawn-out Viet Nam. I like that I don't think he'll not overspend like Bush has, something that is so unethical because it's something our future generations will spend years suffering from. (Bush sort of handles money like I did in college, it seems.) His speeches make me fired up.

I don't like that he seems slippery on a bunch of issues, making excuses for votes and blaming others for mistakes. I don't like that his election wouldn't improve partisan politics at all. But between he and Bush, it's a no-brainer for me.


2nd day of baseball practice today. Still very pumped and excited.