Monday, Feb. 23, 2004

monday, feb. 23, 2004, posted at 7:56 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

So, my mailbox isn't exactly overflowing with legal advice. Anyone got any, about my last entry? I've been checking guestbook and my EiB address all day.

Speaking of which, it was a good one. I'm taking Wednesday off, at the request of my supervisor, who wants me to try to storm the central office to update my personnel file so my chances of getting laid off decrease. It should be itneresting, as very few people work there anymore, and it's impossible to have phone calls or e-mails returned. I've decided to just sort of camp out there at the door until someone walks in, then force my way to my file using my charm. I hope it goes okay. I'll be disappointed to take a day off of work and not have it be fruitful.

This is my first ever non-surgery and non-fieldtrip day away from school. Hopefully I can get the paperwork shit taken care of and use my first day off from either job since my surgery to be productive. I've gotta do laundry or something.

The Wednesday off is appearing like an oasis in the horizon. I've been meaner than usual the last couple of weeks with my students, desperately wanting to whip them into shape by the time baseball season starts. I've been calling about 20 parents a day about failed quizzes or missed assignments. While productive, the phone calls can be draining. I think both me and the students can use a break for a day from each other.
