Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004

Second reject of pay cuts - it's getting exciting now, posted at 10:46 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Wow. The whole job situation keeps getting more and more interesting.

We rejected pay cuts, at an alarming rate of 3,800 to 1,400. I was amongst the latter number, so I did my part to keep my job and remain in the classroom with my students, but the majority of my colleagues voted against pay cuts.

I fully expect to be laid off as a result of the vote. It sucks, but it probably will happen.

It's all very surreal right now. At the vote, a rumor floated that they'd already cut our pay, and that the vote was nothing but a farce. It turns out that rumor was false, but the sense of anger there was still palpable.

I'm not sure what I think or feel about any of it. I'm surprisingly totally non-anxious about it all. I did all I can do. It will almost be exciting to see what happens of it all. Tomorrow, a rumored sick-in has caused the CEO to put a two-hour delay for students to see which teachers show up.

I know I'll show up, but nothing else beyond that. It should be an intersting few days.

Gosh, if I get laid off, though, I'll sure miss these kids. I don't know if I'll be ever in such a perfect teaching situation ever again.