Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003

Good week so far, posted at 7:54 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

Even though I'm disappointed I won't be able to get away to NC this weekend to spend time with the grandparents, I'm getting used to the idea of having Thanksgiving here in Baltimore with similarly stranded friends. (Note: Thanks to a few people who checked on train fares and stuff, but unfortunately I'd be going to way west North Carolina - a town called Nebo - which is about four hours from Raleigh/Durham. So it's out of the way of trains and planes, unfortunately. Not that I could really afford it anyway.)

I'll be heading over to Randy and Felicity's on Thursday. I bought some Tofurkey and veggie gravy to bring over for myself, and plan on making my mother's spinach casserole tonight and perhaps something else. I'm going to pack a box of stuff - wine, my Wizard of Oz DVD, some board games - and head over there at around one o'clock. I might be their only guest for dinner, but there are other folks probably coming over for dessert, so hopefully it will be a fun night. I might even plan to spend the night; they've offered.

It's been an abnormally good week so far. Yesterday, the Athletic Director found me in the office and told me that Cal Ripken is letting city teachers go to his Coaches Workshop for free. I was contemplating whether to spend $150 to go on my own, but I really couldn't afford it (still can't afford to make car payments), so it really made me happy. It's good news not only because I'll get to go for free, but because the A.D. actually knows who I am. He's apparently got me in mind to be the head coach - after all, he's sending me to go - and that's something I'm ecstatic about. Maybe I'll eventually become part of that athletic department clique.

After a pretty decent day yesterday, Bill and I headed out to Mick O'Shea's for their half price burger night, where we had a few beers and played a couple games of darts. I usually kill at darts, but doing it with one eye really put me at a disadvantage, and I kept thinking about how an errant dart could end my eyesight forever, so we stopped playing shortly after we started. But it was still a great night - I've got to do that more often. By the time I returned home, I was about ready to go to bed, and my early sleep allowed me to wake up early this morning for a decent gym trip. I've desperately got to get into that schedule again, so it felt very good to do.

I'm excited about my three day week and the upcoming holiday, and I'll be hopefully making some good holiday money this weekend at the restaurant.