Monday, Nov. 17, 2003

Running with scissors, posted at 4:23 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

It's been nearly two weeks since my surgery, and I'm happy to say that I'm feeling almost back to normal. I started up work again at the restaurant this weekend, eye-patch and all, and today made my first trip back to the gym since the retina was re-attached.

My eye still looks like a horror movie - I already figure I'm hopeless to pick anybody up at a bar for the next couple of months - but it's feeling better and I can see a tiny bit more every day. If I take my index finger and stretch the outside of my eye towards the back of my head, the reshaping of my eye corrects some of my nearsightedness, making me think that I will regain much of my vision. My next surgery will be awful, as I'll have hardly any vision at all for a while, but I'm glad that I'm almost back to normal.

Work at the restaurant was fairly crummy this weekend. Things kept happening like people had to wait 45 minutes for their food and they left $62 for their $57 bill, punishing the waiter instead of the kitchen. It boggles my mind that someone would do something like that. The girl even said to me, "I know it's not your fault, but we're trying to get to the game," and I did my best trying to rush the kitchen, but we were just too backed up. I can't begin to fathom how someone could be that selfish as to leave a 7% tip like that. I did make enough to pay the rest of my $450 phone bill that I had to pay, meaning I'm nearly caught up on all the bills from the summer. I still would like to pay my home phone bill and get that turned back on, so I don't have to continue to make parent phone calls with my cell phone.

I'm feeling really good about teaching right now. I'm actually excited about Romeo and Juliet, and am doing fun stuff like Shakespearean insults and choral readings, and feel good about things right now.

I can't think of much else that's new right now. I'll close with the words that I spoke to the little girl who, at the restaurant while I was wearing my eye patch, asked me what I did to my eye:

"Next time your mother tells you not to run with scissors, make sure you listen."