Monday, Oct. 20, 2003

Working for the weekend, posted at 5:39 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Serendipitiously, Gale and Erin both were in DC on separate work excursions last weekend, and I headed down to DC to meet up with them. We went out to eat - my first time out to eat since I started waiting tables, so I had this whole new perspective - then headed out to the bar. It was a nice night, a night I needed and enjoyed, and well worth the late night back to Baltimore.

I have found, however, that I've developed that Baltimorean anti-DC attitude. I really dislike the city. I dislike the way it's set up, I dislike using the public transportation, I dislike the general lack of diversity and expensiveness of it. It cost me $16 to park. I can't believe anything that ridiculous, and wasn't expecting it at all. It's amazing that anyone would want to live in that city at all, when a city as great as Baltimore is so nearby.

Sunday night was another great night, as Teri and I enjoyed a movie. We had wanted to see Mystic River, but the cinemas were not cooperating with the times we wanted to see it, so we saw Kill Bill instead. This marked the first time I had been to the movies since 28 Days Later in the summer, and I was reminded how much I enjoy it and that I should make a point to do it more often. My life has been so consumed by my two jobs lately that I rarely make time for myself, but I somehow received both weekend nights off this weekend and took advantage of it. I loved the movie, and can't wait for the sequel. I'd be fine with both Uma Thurman and (especially) Lucy Liu being nominated for Oscars, even though this wasn't an "Oscar-type movie."

This upcoming weekend, I plan on again taking advantage of it, as I have planned the second ever zoo pub crawl. I changed the name to Noah's Ark Pub Crawl, to add a bit of blasphemy to the occasion, but we will again be attempting to visit every bar named after an animal in Fell's Point and having a drink at each.

I felt so goofy sending out the e-mail. I felt like I was 22. But I need something to look forward to this week. It's going to be a long one - another one in which I probably reach triple-digits of hours worked.