Sunday, Jun. 15, 2003

Internet down, posted at 1:37 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

The storms and lack of bill-paying have temporarily suspended Internet service at my house, so I'm left to slumming it at the libraries. Ugh.

Here's what's new in my life:

1. Last instructional day was Friday. Wow, I'll miss these kids.

2. Finals are Monday and Tuesday.

3. I finished Drift: A Novel and started Wuthering Heights. I love reading when it's storming outside.

4. I've run 18 miles since Wednesday. My goal is to run 6 miles every other day.

5. Last night, I went to a Boiwie Bay Sox game with Renee. Fun.

6. Spent all morning today doing laundry.

7. I leave for Italy in 15 days and I can't quite believe it.