Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003

June 11, 2003, posted at 6:48 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Woke up just a little bit too late for a gym trip, and just a little bit too early to be well-rested.

Today's attire: Black $5 Calvin Klein plain black t-shirt, Old Navi khakis, black Nikes. Yup, it's the end of the year.

I have no idea what I'm doing in 1st period today. Luckily, I'm heading in early to plan something.

I'm also heading over to Safeway to get stuff ready to send off to Dad for Father's Day. I purchased him a 3-year subscription for Time magazine, a 1-year subscription to Men's Health magazine, and completed the boating CD. I got away with spending $12 on Father's Day. Not bad. (If you haven't shopped for magazine subscriptions on E-Bay, you've got to start. 3 years of Time for $5. No kidding.)

Watched an incredible movie last night called 61*. I had put off seeing this movie for a long time, am glad I finally got around to it. I was so impressed with the film, which is about the Roger Maris / Mickey Mantle home run chase of 1961.

I've been reading a lot lately. It feels good. I'm still not tearing through books, but I'm making progress on the 8 or so I have going on at once right now.

19 days until I leave for Italy.

3 more days of teaching.

16 more days until summer vacation starts.