Monday, Apr. 28, 2003

The weekend of April 25, 2003, posted at 6:10 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

Holy diaryland layoff, Batman!

A combination of extreme business, frustration over mean readers (it is mystifying to me that someone would actually spend time reading a journal every day and snidely correct spelling errors in the guestbook), and an uncertainty over what to write about a certain occurrence in my life have kept me away, but I'm having one of those mornings when I woke up early for the gym but pushed snooze too many times so now it's too late to go in so I'm just going to wait until the school opens.

Here is the news that's fit to print:

1) My grandparents and parents were both up for the weekend. Their visit was short, but satisfying. I miss both o them. Actually, my emotions when I'm with my parents run the gamut from, "Wow, I really miss these people. Get me back to Michigan!" to "I cannot believe I have so little in common with the people who influenced me the most in my life. What can I bring up now to talk about?". The former is closer to the truth, and the latter is an overstatement, but there definitely a number of lulls in the conversation where I racked my brain for something to bring up, something apolitical because we don't agree or something not about movies because they don't see them or something not about dating because I don't want the pressure. I will say that I am friends with my parents, and they are good people, and I appreciate them for what they are and they do the same for me. I guess you can't ask for much more than that. My grandparents are as cool as ever. All four attended my baseball game on Friday in the middle of the ghetto, and my grandma screamed and cheered for my players just like it was her own grandson playing. After dinner at Brewer's Art, we spent all day walking around on Saturday, a day that expired quickly. Grandma said that every place I brought them to was "different" (as in, "Well, this sure is different!"), but she said it in a nice way. It was a great day and a great weekend.

2) Yesterday, I was accosted in the mall to spend time filling out a computer survey about a commercial for the film The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, starring Sean Connery. I got paid $1, and it was very interesting. I had to watch a commercial for the film, then answer a bunch of questions about whether I would see it or not. Definitely interesting.

3) After writing it, highlighting it, and deleting it, I will hold #3 for another day, possibly.