Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003

Pontifications, posted at 3:23 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

The DirecTV guy was supposed to come between 8 and noon. It's now 3:23, and he hasn't arrived. I'd be really pissed off, but I've spent most of the day planning my To Kill a Mockingbird unit, and I'm excited about it. It's one of my favorite books, but I don't think I've ever planned a solid, cohesive unit from all sides with it. I'm almost completed with it now.

Yes, there will be Tracy Chapman.

I've been thinking much about the war lately. I have such dissonance about it. Some of my colleagues are going to anti-war demonstrations, and I've thought about it. But, the thing is, I don't know how I feel about it.

First off, I don't like Bush and I don't like war. I think Bush is one of the most unethical politicians we have ever had, and, yes, I basically think war sucks. I feel like Bush is using the war to deflect attention from his unsuccessful attempt to find bin laden and to avenge his father's mediocre legacy.

Still, he has smartly surrounded himself with trustworthy and intelligent people, namely Colin Powell and Condolleezza Rice. And, all of the research I have seen shows that the Iraqi people are being treated nearly as badly as the Jews in Germany during World War II or Bosnians in the early nineties. As a humanitarian effort, how can I be against the war?

I have been thinking lately that if Gore was President, I would be in favor of something to rescue the Iraqi people. It's because it's Bush that my natural instincts were to oppose it. And that's probably not right.

So much dissonance...

And then we also have to deal with the fact that the conservative American media does not reports things like this. The horror.