Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003

You have carbonated my bloodstream, posted at 9:31 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to

I'm sitting at my computer right now. Both the dog and the cat are sitting to either side of me, watching me eat grapes. Holden wants the grapes. Tobey wants me to move the grapes so he can jump on my lap. Holden loves grapes. Tobey sniffed one and was immediately disinterested.

Yes, I live an exciting life here.

Nothing came of yesterday's threat to the school. The kids never even knew. There was a 2-hour delay because of the combination of icy roads and wimpy maryland drivers, and that was just fine by me because it afforded me an opportunity to finish up on my preparations for class. The day went well.

My freshmen seminar course - taught using the Avid Program, which I've received virtually no training for - is going to be very interesting. I was very excited about teaching the class, which is basically designed to give at-risk kids the skills necessary to succeed in college preparatory classes, but now I'm a little worried. First of all, I had five of the students last semester in my English class. I liked them all and they're all good kids, but I also like starting fresh. For example, sweet Traci came into my room today eating a doughnut. The school - and I - have a "no eating" rule for classrooms, but it's a rule that I probably notice less and less as the year goes on, and I do let kids finish up their breakfast foods until morning announcements. Anyhow, I told her to put it away, and she grinned and said something like, "Oh, Mr. E, you don't have to be the way with me. I know." As if she knew I really am a softie at heart and all this mean stuff at the beginning is an act. Also, during my little spiel at the beginning, I said that I like to call home for bad and good things, and that I did it last semester. The girls in the class said, "Well I never got a call." I wanted to say something like, well, that should tell you something, but proceeded to tell the whole class something good about each of the five students who were sitting there. I felt like a big ass dork.

The other issue I have with the course is it rigidity. If a teacher told me how I had to take notes or set up my binder, I would hate it. But I have to for this course. One girl went to an old teacher of hers (a friend of mine) after the intro to class and said to her, "You know, I really like Mr. E, but that class seems like it's going to be organization and that's it."

You see, that's sort of how I feel about it too. There's stuff on note-taking and study skills and discussion and time management, and there are two days a week with free tutors where I just have to monitor (not teach), but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to hang onto - not much meat to chew on in this course. I hope it goes okay.

The other classes went very well. They were shortened to 50 minutes today, which is a schedule I love. I really hope our school moves off the 90-minute block schedule and uses a schedule that is more palatable next year. I was able to get through just the right amount of stuff and the kids weren't bored. I've got this grade 9 English stuff down to a T. Also, oddly enoug, there are four students that I will see twice each day for both freshmen seminar and english. Hope we get along.

A couple other random notes:

1. I am so damn tired of this sickeningly cold weather.

2. I just won a baseball glove off of E-Bay for $7. Saved myself $50 or so, which is good as baseball season is coming up and I need on.

3. My kids' big poetry performance at the planetarium is tomorrow and I have to give opening remarks.

4. I feel fat.

5. I found a great diary today that reminds me a bit of Holden Caulfield. Hyperbole be damned. Hometownboy.

6. I do not understand the appeal of American Idol and want 24 to come back on. Come on, it's karaoke without the drinking. These people have no real talent, and there are only so many ways that Simon can critique.

7. Someone mentioned on my guestbook that my pictures were not working. Yes, I'm aware of this. I let my gold membership lapse. Actually, it just lapsed right on its own, and I decided that I should really concentrate on being able to pay my heating bill instead of a gold membership. So... if anyone wants to get one for me, donations accepted. :) j/k