
Cold, posted at 7:59 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com


One thing I do not miss about Michigan is the weather, but it sure feels an awful lot like Michigan here right now. It's cold - probably 40 degrees at the moment, and it's 8am and sunny already. Perhaps it'll get warmer. I'm not sure.

I took a long run last night, not so much because I wanted to - I was hoping to take a medium-sized run, but got really lost. I headed up one of the side streets near my house, took a few turns, and couldn't figure out how to get back. I got so turned around, it wasn't funny. At first, I thought to myself, "Well, that's okay, now I can explore the area for a bit. It's pretty out here." Soon, however, I began to think about how cold it was and how much my feet hurt and how much Holden was annoying me for trying to sniff everything. I eventually made it back, after 40 minutes and probably 4 miles of running.

I was supposed to come in and play basketball this morning, but our inservice doesn't start until 9:30am, and I took the opportunity to sleep in a bit. I feel guilty. Guilty guilty guilty. I finally got here at around 7:40, but they were already well into their game and I didn't want to interrupt. So I went up here to my room without anyone seeing me. I suck.

I'm not looking forward to the day, for it will be a long one. After the inservice, which will not be as useful as sitting in my room and grading papers would be, I need to do laundry. I have so much to do that I'm going to head straight to the 75lb load washers. Then, I've got to head out to Old Navy and return the gifts I already got my sister for her birthday, because she sent me an e-mail yesterday saying how much she'd like a zip-up hooded sweatshirt, and I'm going to return the corduroys and long-sleeve t-shirt I got her and then get the sweatshirt. After that, I'm heading back to do some gift wrapping, back a cake, get my egg casserole ready for Saturday morning, and try to do some other housework that I've got to finish up by the weekend. I bought a pretty nice mirror the other day from Ikea, and tried to hang it up on the wall. However, it's just drywall at the place I want to hang it up, and the screws aren't staying very well, so I need to figure out another way. I assume duct tape on the back of it isn't going to work. I'm no Bob Vila, so it'll be interesting; I'd like to have it done by the time dad and Heidi get here, though. I've got all that to do, plus watch Survivor and ER and maybe Will & Grace and Friends(taped). My third roommate, Mike, likes that new show Inside Schwartz for some reason unknown to me, so we may end up watching NBC and taping Survivor. We'll see. (I'm particulary excited about ER because my former celebrity crush, Sherry Stringfield, is returning, even though her new hairdo makes her look way old.)

Last night, the three of us went out for our regularly scheduled Wednesday night restaurant trip, and we finally found a cool local non-chain restaurant. It's called The Paper Moon, and was highly recommended by a colleague of mine. She was right. A funky little cafe with tons of vegetarian options yet enough to make my meat-and-potatoes roommates happy, it reminded me a bit of The Tuba Museum in Okemos or something you'd find in Ann Arbor. The decor alone was worth the trip. I had a veggie cheesesteak, and while it wasn't anything special, I'm sure I would love a lot of the things on the menu.

The West Wing was alright, but I miss the sense of pride and inspiration that I used to get from watching it. As the fictional characters prepare for a nasty political campaign, it's just not as inspiring as it used to be. But President Bartlett talked about how they're going to "invent a new type of campaign," so maybe it will go back to being the hope-inspiring show that it was last year and hasn't been yet this year. We'll see.