
Random weekend ponderings, posted at 8:01 a.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

A lot of random thoughts and occurrences from the weekend:


Man, that new show Alias is amazing. I'm totally enthralled by it - it's exciting, clever, funny, sexy (especially the star of the show, with those cheekbones that just won't quit and eyes that you could lose yourself in), exciting, action-packed, romantic... it's got it all. It's the type of show that totally allows you to suspend disbelief and be thoroughly entertained. Sundays at 9pm have finally staged a comeback - it's finally an hour of good TV, when it hasn't been since The X-Files was good (at least three years ago). Man, what a good show.


The Cal Ripken last game was a fun time. During the first six innings, I worked as a food runner for the club level of the game. I worked with a lot of people who do it for a living, and I think it's always a good thing to encounter people you wouldn't do in a normal situation. College can be a sanitizing environment, where nearly everyone you meet has come from some sort of privileged background, or they were smart/talented enough to get to college, or some combination of both. Teaching at Eastern last year was such a great experience because I worked with and taught students who were far removed from the college academic environment that I was used to. Now, I find myself at a great high school. The kids, while coming from disparate backgrounds, will most likely go to college. Thus, it was a good experience to work with these people on Saturday, as I gained a newfound respect for people who do this sort of work for a living.

That being said, it was a lot of fun to be a food runner. Tons less stressful than teaching. I would just get the order, run the food the fan, and then go back to get the next order. It was quick-paced, fun, and decidedly un-thought provoking. I loved it. Bill Clinton was on our level, and I met Linda Carter (TV's WonderWoman). I made $10 in tips and got paid $6.50 an hour, then got to knock off during the 6th inning and watch the rest of the game from the lower level. It was moving to see Ripken bat his last at bat and then give his speech. 'Twas a good experience. I may be doing it more often in the summer; I can't think of a better summer job right now.


A weird thing happened with the game, though. As you know, my best friend/roommate quit his teaching job on Friday. He was planning on going and doing the game with me, and I promised my colleague who set it up that I'd bring him along. Well, he couldn't find his white shirt right before we were set to leave. I had one for him to borrow, or we could have got one on the way. But he just refused to go, with no explanation. It was bizzarre. I was pissed off, because I had promised his presence and he had signed his paperwork and stuff. He apologized when I returned, and admitted that he's going through a rough time and getting real down on himself and that's why he didn't go. From now on, I'm going to be real careful with him not to be hyper-critical (which I have a tendency to do with friends far too often) or judgmental (it's his life, I have no room to judge). Not that I was being excessive about these things before, but it is one of my faults to be too critical of people I care about, and he needs support right now. Today he begins his job search. I wish him luck.


I was really disappointed that the Emmys were postponed yet again. I think it was a poor decision, because the awards show would have been an excellent diversion from the issues at hand. I was angry and dismayed with the decision, and hope they do end up having it rather than cancelling it altogether. However, if they're going to cancel it every time we bomb someone, they might as well just cancel it. War is occurring, but life goes on. People need the other stuff.


I just found out that the student of mine who died last Thursday in a car wreck was driving drunk. I should have assumed. What a bummer, although I'm not really sure if that makes it better or worse.


My sister is visiting on Oct. 19, and Erin and Gale are visiting the second weekend in November. I can't wait.


I've just about decided on Holden for the dog name. The quizlet, again, offered no clear answers - percentages are something like 28, 23, 23, 20, and 8 at this point. I made him a veterinarian appointment for Tuesday, and I figure I've got to know for sure then.


I can't believe it's Monday already.