
Reflections on the "other" job, posted at 10:40 p.m.

Epiphany in Baltimore has moved to epiphanyinbaltimore.blogspot.com

2001-04-17 - 10:48 p.m.

So, the guy who hates me wants to see my contract. I figure it's my own business. I did send him to a very detailed (re: better than the contract) description of my position (http://www.reslife.msu.edu/gradassistantjobdescription.htm). He thinks I'm hiding something - came right out and said so (really, I just can't find my contract - but it was all legalese, anyway).

(Random question - does anyone know how to link things within entries? I have no idea. I know nothing about html. It's all Dreamweaver with me.)

Anyhow, he's being very unprofessional about this whole thing. Really, I could care less. I'm over the whole feeling-crummy-because-someone-hates-me stage, and now I just want to get through it without any more fur flying. Of course, part of me wants to make life hard for him, since that's what he's doing to me. I'll try to resist that urge.

My mantra: Only three more weeks. Only three more weeks. Only three more weeks.

Has this job been good for me? Yes. I'm not sure how I would have paid for my living expenses this year without it. Room and board plus a menial salary are nice. My supervisor is laid back and supportive. She is 100% on my side on this, and has pretty much been in my cornder all year.

But crap like this pisses me off. I'm a pretty easy supervisor. Attend your meetings, complete your reports, and tend to your floor and I'm fine with you. This guy couldn't even do that. For me to get angry at one of my employees, it's gotta be fairly egregious. I know I'm not that best AHD in the world - no other AHDs work 40-60 hours a week at another job for no pay. I can't get out on the floors as much as I'd like, and I can't spend as much time as I'd like with my staff. But if they scratch my back, I'll scratch theirs - by way of not putting a lot of pressure on them to fulfill their position requirements. I know their job is pretty much thankless. I did it for three years. I understand. I try to make it as easy as possible for them without forgetting the responsibilities of both our jobs. To have someone bite me in the ass about that sort of sucks.

Government, which I've advised all year, held its last meeting today. They gave me a $20 gift certificate to Best Buy as a gift. It was very nice.

I'm feeling better after sleeping for about five hours after I got home from school. Now my sleep schedule is going to be screwed up all week - but if I kicked this cold's butt, it'll be worth it.

Tomorrow is a long day - first, a guest speaker is coming to my class. She's a local author who wrote a short story that my sophomores read today. They, for the most part, hated it. It should be interesting. I hope she's good with kids, especially rambunctious kids like I've got. Tomorrow is also parent-teacher conferences, then I'm going to see Maya Angelou speak at Breslin. I'm looking forward to that.

By the way, how can we possibly justify as a society having 39 states where you can legally discriminate against the LBGT community? Absolutely ridiculous.